Thursday, July 3, 2014

TV Time = Early Death?

Did you know that adults in the United States spend more than half of their waking hours sedentary, often watching television, using a computer or driving?

Many people believe that watching TV is bad for your health.  But, could it lead to an early death?
Researchers recently published a study in the Journal of the American Heart Association that states adults who watched more than three hours of TV per day were twice as likely to die than those who watched less than one hour per day.  For each additional two hours of TV watched per day, the risk of death increased by 1.4 times.  Computer use and driving time were not associated with a higher risk of death.

Miguel Angel Martinez-Gonzalez, MD, MPH, PhD, of the Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spain, led the study that concluded this sedimentary habit poses a significant health risk due to obsessive snacking and lack of exercise.
What can you do to curb TV snacking?

·    Eat as you go.  When you slow down and take longer to eat, you’re giving the sugar a chance to hit your bloodstream which makes you feel more satiated. Try eating fruits like oranges or pomegranates that take a while to peel.  Or, nuts, like pistachios, which come in their shells (just make sure you portion these out; they’re high in calories). If you eat as you continue to peel your fruit or crack open your nuts, you’re giving your body more time to feel full — so you end up eating less.

·    Treat your snack like a meal.  Take the time to put your snack on a plate, sit down and enjoy it like a meal.  You’ll savor what you’re eating that much more. You’ll also be more likely to feel satisfied and not overeat.

·    Limit yourself.  Make it easier for your discipline and don’t sit down with a full bag of anything – cookies, chips or crackers. 

·    Turn off the TV.  Limit TV time and, at the same time, limit your unconscious snacking.

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